Driehoek Treehouse

Two girls from South Africa who transformed their passion for illustration in a collective. The name Driehoek that in African means triangle, it’s because as they say :” We are two people who want to share our love for drawing with others, and in working with a third party, we form a triangle”. Driehoek In their series Homes of the world that “is just a fun way of exploring different kinds of characters by drawing the homes they live in, and how the objects in/ around them, as well the colouring gives the viewer hints as to what kind of person/ creature dwells there” Driehoek . They explored also the way of living on a treehouse.


This illustration was then transformed by the Italian digital artist Riccardo Pietracaprina in a 3D artwork.
treehouse riccardo pietracaprina

Pics by Driehoek and Riccardo Pietracaprina
All rights reserved

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