The Treehouse Architects

When I grow up I want to be a Treehouse-Architect!Every time that I say to someone that I’m an architect, treehouses’ expert, that I have a blog about this topic and that my dream it would be to build just treehouses and wooden buildings in my life, people look at me like if I was coming from Mars. Like if I had a green skin and pointy ears! No, I’m not so crazy, there are already architects and builders in this world that they made of their passion for the treehouses, their job!

The first one -that everyone for sure knows- is Pete Nelson. He comes from USA and he became immediately famous because of the television show Treehouse Master of Animal Planet.

Pete Nelson with one of his creation: The Mohicans!

The second one -and yes my favourite one! (If you are one of my devoted reader you should already know)- is Andreas Wenning of Baumraum from Germany.
His unique architectural style made of him one of the most technical and innovator architect in the treehouses’ field.

Andreas Wenning

If you are an architect you know for sure that Japan has a lot of good architects and almost all the occidental architects are fascinated by the Japanese Architecture.
Also in the treehouses’ branch there are two famous and qualified treehouse-architects:

Terunobu Fujimori is an architect who builds also “normal” buildings, I mean not just treehouses. His work is considered by many to be eccentric but is characterised by his use of natural materials. In the sector of the treehouses is well-known for his Tea-Treehouses.

Ternobu Fujimori

The other Japanese treehouse builder is Takashi Kobayashi. He has already built different treehouses and from a simple passion the treehouses became his job and life.
There’s a sentence that I really love from him:
“Money, brains, power. A society that values only these things really frightens me, there’s more out there. I think treehouses can express that.” Don’t you agree?

Takashi Kobayashi

Well I hope that this list will grow and grow!!
And I hope that one day I’ll be also in this list! 😉





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